
DU Tube - Video explorer

While using DU battery  saver,  we got the promotional link for DU tube.  Video explorer with bunch of popular youtube videos. One of good time killing app (Data alos). DU Tube at the beginning shows all the  popular videos and got some of popular tabs like sports,  gag,  news.  According  to our interest we can switch the tabs.  So far we didn't see any issues with app.  Plays smoothly and  we can enjoy the vidoes. With DU Tube we can always keep eye on most famous videos from YouTube.  What ever we likes automatic save in the account link so we can refer it back.  

+ access to famous videos by category,  quick links for our favorite category lost of recommended vidoes,  Good app to kill time. 

-- lots of data kills,  sometimes adult content also comes under recommended videos not that good app for family,  at once the app gets stuck.  


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