
Black mp3 player -android

Couple of days i m trying this app, and its looks like google music player. 8.5mb app not heavy app. wont get stuck easy to use also. We can create playlists with that we can import and export too. What ever the playlist available with other music apps, it shows with black mp3 player playlist collections also. This have paid and free apps paid app cost about 0.82$ only, black player recommeds that to use the black player free version ap for the better experice. That if needed for the paid app user can move on. We tried this app about a month time no issues with loading issues very light and easy to use. Almost similar to play music with added features.

+ quick load, easy to create playlist and already created playlist readable. While krpad loacked can use the app. 

- have to pay for the get the folder view. 

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