
Hola launcher

Hola launcher one of awesome android launcher, with lots of cool addons. Its takes 23mb installation file and omni swipe about 4 mb. Omni swipe give you the easy access to phone settings, recent conatact, and top used app installed in your phones.

With each and every update the we get new wallpapers, hola lanuncer got specail eye candy icons set with bunch of cool fonts( user can download and install. Hola launcher have a inbuilt  booster and users dont need to have a saparete android boosters.

One of best feature in this launcher is sliding effects, we can pick from there best slide tranfering effects. With that other common widgets also available. Hot feeds news we get all sort of hot topics can view with hola s last update.

+ eye candy icons, booster, omni swipe addon, hot news feed, icon organizer (auto), widgets, slide effects. 

- sometimes theme wont resopnd automatically moves to original phone theme, first installation about 2mb later in goes till 24 mb, takes about 100mb ram space, 

Droid sufer rating 3.8/5

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